
  • The sea is our passion.
  • Rehabilitate and rebuild ports.
  • Innovate for expanding famous ports in France and around the world.
  • « Design & Build » : study, design, build maritime structures in France and around the world.
  • Construct modern technical solutions, from artificial reefs to latest generation marinas.
  • Manage coastal areas, preserve the coast.

Experts trained in various activities...

When considering coastal issues, ACRI-IN's skills and experience make it the preferred partner of public and private customers to help them with analyzing and understanding their problems, and bring them the tools to make decisions (harbor structures, coastline erosion, etc.).

R&D supports these skills due to the company's significant effort to focus on projects.


The study of the movement of fluids and the associated natural phenomena (waves, currents, hydrodynamic flows, etc.) represents a skill that is shared by all the doctors and engineers that make up the scientific team. ACRI-IN's engineering team includes several experts in this field.


ACRI-IN possède son propre laboratoire d'hydrodynamique équipé d’un canal à houle & courant lui permettant de réaliser des campagnes d’essais sur des maquettes d’ouvrages soumis à des contraintes induites par la houle (ouvrages de protection portuaires, quais amortissants…) ou de structures prototypes soumises à des écoulements hydrodynamiques. Une équipe composée de deux ingénieurs et un technicien est spécifiquement affectée au laboratoire d'hydrodynamique.


Oceanography, the science of studying the marine environment, includes several specific fields including physical oceanography that targets geophysical fluid movement. Our ACRI-IN engineering team has the skills and experience to make it a widely recognized specialist. The scientific team, including two doctors and four engineers, is expert in the study of subjects such as air/sea interaction, free surface deformation of seas and oceans (swells, waves, tsunamis), and hydrodynamic movement in shallow water columns (coastal environment) such as currents and tides.


Currents and sediments are studied as part of the problems of coastal erosion, port silting, structural damage and coastal and foreshore management, etc.
These phenomena are studied by doctors and engineers from our scientific team using the latest generation of digital tools combining swells, currents and ocean floor movement. This field, without question the most complex in coastal engineering, requires a keen sense of observation, expert understanding of the study sites and their environment, as well as mastering all of the processes involved in the coastal environment.


This technical field combines all of the skills and tools required to design and build the construction structures and infrastructure, often part of ACRI-IN's maritime projects.



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Our activities in infrastructure construction or rehabilitation make ACRI-IN widely recognized for designing and building port operations and coastal and foreshore management.



Our skills in finance help our customers in financing their coastal projects by optimizing and balancing their budgets for the investments that the projects require.



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Our technical and administrative experience in coastal management, harbor structure and river structure projects let us play a consulting role for customers by providing them with the tools to make the necessary decisions for their projects.



ACRI-IN's engineers integrate legal and environmental skills. They use them to confirm the relevance of improvements in terms of legal feasibility and environmental impact based on national and international regulations in force.

This capability confirms and ensures the project's legal standing before customers start their maritime or coastal projects.


Thanks to its team and high-performance equipment, ACRI-IN can perform the topographic and bathymetric surveys required for building maritime projects.



It creates drawings and cut sheets for structures designed and sized by the ACRI-IN team. It expands its capabilities to 3D photorealistic renderings, photomontage and landscape integration for projects.


Marine Engineering
ACRI-IN's business is to combine R&D with numerical modeling, physical modeling, civil engineering and port engineering, coastal and river management and marine and harbor project management, and project management support. And do this based on the expertise, tools, organization and teams with different backgrounds and experience.
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Variety of skills
ACRI-IN's team has the skills to get involved around the world in areas of marine structure design, civil engineering, port engineering, physical modeling, regulatory filings, marine project management, PM support, technical expertise, implementing prototypes and pilot operations, R&D.
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