ACRI-IN uses a wide range of tools for use in its business, and has developed or improved some of them as part of its R&D efforts. The software tools currently used by ACRI-IN's scientific department include digital calculation tools applied to fluid mechanics (WAVE PROPAGATION and CURRENTS/SEDIMENTS) and structural mechanics (STRUCTURES/CIVIL ENGINEERING), mapping tools (Geographic Information Systems - GIS), and finally CAD/CAM (DESIGN/3D RENDERINGS).
REFDIF, initially developed by Kirby and Dalrymple (1983), is a wave propagation model for irregular bottoms. It resolves Berkoff's equation and takes into account refraction, weakly non-linear combined diffraction, shoaling, interaction between swells and ambient current, and even energy dissipation.
SWAN (SimulatingWAvesNearshore) is a third generation model that generates a realistic estimate of swell parameters in coastal areas, in lakes and estuaries for given set of wind, bathymetric and current conditions. SWAN calculates the random and irregular changes in swells in coastal regions for deep, intermediate and shallow water depths under the effects of ambient currents. The SWAN model takes into account propagation (refraction and diffraction) due to current and the water depth, and shows the process of generating swells by the wind, dissipation due to surface wave breaking, friction on the bottom, bathymetric surge and non-linear interactions between swells, using specific state-of-the-art formulas.
SIMAC is a coastal wave agitation model developed by ACRI-IN. It evaluates agitation close to a site by taking into account the maximum undulating effects caused by the seabed and the presence of structures.
SIMAC-POSEIDON is a coastal wave agitation simulator developed by ACRI-IN. It includes several modules used, on one hand to calculate the characteristics of a wave propagating from open ocean towards the coast over large expanses, and on the other hand to evaluate wave agitation near a site by taking into account the maximum undulating effects cause by the seabed and the presence of structures. This model follows the propagation of the wave along the entire length of its advance, even when there are significant diffraction phenomena.
SBEACH is a model that estimates the cross-sectional profile of beaches during storms. This software simulates sediment transport caused by wave currents and predicts beach erosion, berm formation and movement, sedimentary channels and berms under the influence of strong storm surge and variations in water level.
MEPBAY is a parabolic model which shows the longitudinal profile of beaches using equations by Hsu and Evans (1989).
CMS, CMS, a coastal management software called "Coastal Modeling System", was developed by the Ocean and Coastal Research Group (GIOTTO) at the University of Cantabrigian (Spain). Integrating various interactive modules, it performs hydrodynamic and hydro-sedimentary studies. Its propagation module, based on REFDIF-SP software, resolves the Berkoff equation. It is combined with currents and sediments modules that solve the flow equation and the sediment conservation equation, respectively.
DELFT3D is a completely integrated modeling software in 2 and 3 dimensions, developed by WL Delft Hydraulics (The Netherlands). Delft3D is the most effective 2D/3D environment modeling software; it is also a flexible software that simulates in 2D (both horizontally and vertically) and 3 dimensions currents, swells, water quality, ecology, sediments transport, morpho-dynamism, and processes the interactions between these various processes.
GENESIS (GENEralized model for SimulatingShoreline change) : code de calcul destiné à la modélisation numérique de l’évolution du littoral, développé par le CERC.Ce modèle calcule l’évolution de la position du trait de côte en prenant en compte les changements spatiaux et temporels du transit littoral, des ouvrages tels qu'épis, brise-lames, front de mer et des apports et/ou prélèvements de sédiments.Le modèle est à une dimension, seul le trait de côte est utilisé pour représenter l’évolution du littoral. L’hypothèse de base est que le profil se déplace par translation sans modification de sa forme pendant les processus d’érosion ou d’engraissement => 1 point suffit pour déterminer la position du trait de côte. Il est alors faisable, moyennant l’intégration des informations tirées des mesures de terrain, des simulations numériques complexes mais limitées dans le temps et des simulations physiques, de simuler sur le long terme les évolutions possibles du trait de côte
Qgis : Management tools, visualization, mapping to query and analyze all data featuring a spatial component.
AUTOCAD 2Dand/or 3D computerized drawing software for project study and design.
COVADIS : Autocad application, for topography and project take-offs.
3DS-MAX : 3D animation, rendering and modeling software for project development.
APILOG : Calculation of supports, beams, piers, footings
STRUBAT(THONIER) : Structural calculations.
ROBOT STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 2013 : Structural finite element calculations and expertise.
TALREN (TERRASOL) : Geotechnical structural stability analysis (rubble mounds, earthen dams, reinforced underground structures, large anchored supports, reinforced walls, etc.).
ARMACAD : for reinforcement schemes.
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