Resources to Protect
- Coastal bodies of water are areas offering
both high value usage (tourism, pleasure
boating, etc.) and natural resources
(protected species and habitats).
Safety risks
Conflicts in usage double the safety risks:
- The safety of pleasure boaters at remote
anchorages in bad weather.
- The safety of other users (windsurfers,
divers, etc.).
Pressure from various usages is as
strong as
- the sensitivity of the environment is high
(protected species and habitats) such as
Posidonia meadows that are the source of
nourishment for fauna (juvenile fish)
- tourism representing a significant financial
impact for coastal communities.
The primary impacts of remote anchorages
on bodies of water and oceans
- mechanical action on the ocean floor by boat
- physico-chemical impact: changes bodies of
water due to ship's trash, grey and black
water and bilge waste
To apply legislation issued by Grenelle de la Mer
dated June 2009, the government created Zones de
Mouillages et d'Equipements Légers (ZMEL), areas for
light craft anchorages, to help communities protect
anchorages along their coasts from:
- Degradation of the natural environment;
- Scraping the ocean floor by anchor chains.
For protecting endemic species, light anchorages
are the answer for coastal managers. To meet
this requirement, ACRI-IN offers an optimized
solution, WaterLily™ (star shaped floating
platform on an articulated piling):
- Completely removable seasonal installation:
the environment is returned to its original
- The piling is an effective solution against
scraping: preserving meadows
- A single secure anchorage point for several
boats: increased anchoring density
- Services: waste collection (gray water,
black water, etc.), shuttle service,
weather, various info, etc.
- The platform sways with the wind and allows
the structure float to the rhythm of the
- Unlike chained systems, WaterLily™ does not
stiffen up;
- The hydrodynamic constraints of the wave are
always cushioned.
It can be used many times over.
It makes for a comfortable, safe anchorage.