The ACRI-IN website is published by ACRI-IN, SASU with capital of 1,300,000 €, whose headquarters is located at 260 route du Pin Montard 06904 Sophia Antipolis Cédex, listed in the Trade and Companies Registry of ANTIBES under number B 428 778 534.
Contact : - +33 4 92 96 29 00
Publication Director : Philippe Bardey
The website is hosted by ACRI-IN on its own servers.
Le site de la société ACRI-IN, www.acri-in.com a fait l'objet d'une déclaration auprès de la CNIL. N° de déclaration : XXXXXX
Site designed and developed by : Adosis, Agence Digitale & Marketing
ACRI-IN is a trademark.